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Is There Any Trace Left In Hair Transplantation?

Thanks to the conditions provided by today’s technology, methods that offer very good and even more perfect results in hair transplantation procedures have been used recently. Although it is not preferred, the fut technique may be preferred in some cases. After sowing with this method, scars may occur in the region.

We can say that the Fut method is no longer used because of the traces left in the area. Thanks to hair transplantation techniques, there is no longer any scarring in the treated areas. We can show the best example of this is hair transplantation performed with the fue method.
The person should decide together with the surgeons which method will be applied. As a result of the Fut method, there is the possibility of leaving a scar. The application of this planting method is definitely an individual event. If the hair is sparse and lifeless in the area where the hair follicle will be taken, the surgeon decides to apply the fut method. If your surgeon has recommended this technique to you, it is because it is the technique that is suitable for you. In this case, you should make sure that the institution you choose is reliable and suitable for your health.

There are absolutely no scars in hair transplantation procedures performed with the Fue method. It is the latest technique today and we should also mention that it is the most preferred hair transplant method. The scarring after the first stage may upset you. Since your hair is less, the cuts at the bottom will be obvious. However, this problem will disappear as your hair begins to grow.

After a certain period of time after hair transplantation, your hair begins to grow and grow. Thus, we can say that it is impossible to have a scar-like condition on your skin. Your new hair starts to grow at least 6 months after the hair transplant procedure. The time period after hair transplantation is very important. After this hair transplant operation, it is necessary to wait patiently for the hair to grow.

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